Descontos imperdíveis em produtos artesanais!

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Explore produtos únicos em crochê e tricô.

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A handmade crocheted toy with various colors, primarily white, with brown and red accents. The plush has a rounded shape, with small crocheted elements on its surface, possibly representing facial features or decorations. It appears to be sitting inside or on the edge of a white ceramic cup. The background is plain and neutral, allowing the toy's details to stand out.
A handmade crocheted toy with various colors, primarily white, with brown and red accents. The plush has a rounded shape, with small crocheted elements on its surface, possibly representing facial features or decorations. It appears to be sitting inside or on the edge of a white ceramic cup. The background is plain and neutral, allowing the toy's details to stand out.
A small, handmade crochet bag with a textured pattern and a single strap. The bag features a decorative white ribbon tied into a bow on the front.
A small, handmade crochet bag with a textured pattern and a single strap. The bag features a decorative white ribbon tied into a bow on the front.

Peças adoráveis para todas as idades.


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Bem-vindo à Jayne Gonçalves Crochê

Transformamos fios em arte com amor. Descubra nossos produtos únicos em tricô, crochê e amigurumi, feitos à mão para trazer charme ao seu dia a dia.

A handmade crocheted bear is lying on a smooth, white surface. It has a brown body, darker brown arms and head, lighter brown ears, and a cream-colored muzzle. The bear features black eyes and an expressionless face.
A handmade crocheted bear is lying on a smooth, white surface. It has a brown body, darker brown arms and head, lighter brown ears, and a cream-colored muzzle. The bear features black eyes and an expressionless face.



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